Free keyword research tools

Tools that can help with your SEO strategy that are also free!

Free SEO Research Tools

There are several free keyword research tools you can use to boost your SEO efforts. Attempting to improve your blog or online shop’s search engine ranking by inserting various phrases without performing any keyword research would be like randomly shooting arrows in the dark and expecting to hit the target. You might occasionally hit the target, but many arrows would land on the ground.

In a variety of ways, keyword research tools aid in the development of your SEO strategy. The many online tools available can help you develop keyword ideas, determine how popular a search term is, identify trends, and determine how competitive a phrase is to rank. By using these tools, you can make more informed decisions about what keywords to target in your marketing efforts.

Keyword research tools that are completely free

There are a surprising number of excellent free tools available for gathering data for marketing and SEO purposes. Here are twelve free keyword research tools that are simple to use and provide a wealth of information.

Some of these are powerful Google and other search engine keyword generators. Others give e-commerce websites like eBay, Etsy, and Amazon tailored data. The most complete of these tools includes crucial SEO information such as monthly search traffic and competition intensity for your target terms.

Below are summaries of what each free keyword research tool can do, as well as its advantages and disadvantages. The following are the tools that are covered:

  • Keyword Surfer
  • AnswerThePublic
  • Keyword Sheeter
  • Keyworddit
  • QuestionDB
  • Ahrefs Keyword Generator
  • SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool
  • Ubersuggest
  • Moz Keyword Explorer
  • Soovle
  • Keyword Tool Dominator
  • Google Trends
Keyword research tools that are completely free

Ideas for blog topics can be generated using keyword generators.

Keyword generators assist you in narrowing down what your potential customers are looking for. They use search engines and question-and-answer databases to find recent blog subjects and keyword suggestions.

Keyword Surfer

Keyword Surfer is a more recent tool that integrates with the Chrome browser. When this option is enabled, results appear on the right side of your results page whenever you enter a search phrase.

Keyword Surfer provides the following information:

  • Ideas for keywords and their volume
  • For each search query, the cost per click (CPC) is computed.
  • Pages that are ranked for the search term you typed in
  • Pages ranked 1 through 10 for that term and received the most traffic.

It is a robust keyword research tool that displays results directly in your browser. As a new tool, there may be some kinks to work out. The plugin data may be different from that of other Google search tools. This may be due to the plugin using different algorithms, or because the data is cached locally on your computer. It is, however, a quick and painless technique to generate content ideas.

Keyword Surfer


AnswerThePublic is an invaluable tool for obtaining raw search data. When you input your search phrase, it displays the questions that others are asking about that issue (s). The results are displayed graphically, together with all the users’ who, what, where, when, why, and other inquiries.

It is a great technique to produce keyword ideas and figure out what your prospective buyers want to know. You can save the information as a graph or a list.

There is one drawback to using this tool: you only get three free searches per day, so you must be selective about what you look for.

Answer The Public

Keyword Sheeter

Keyword Sheeter retrieves Google autocomplete results. It gives real-time data on what people put into the search engine.

Keyword Sheeter is an excellent choice if you want to quickly generate a large list of keyword suggestions. It can create 1,000 ideas per minute and export your list for free.

It is a simple yet useful tool for brainstorming blog topic ideas. Keyword Sheeter’s free capabilities, on the other hand, do not provide statistics about site traffic or how tough it is to rank for a phrase.

Keyword Sheeter


Keyworddit mines Reddit for keywords. To use it, enter a specific subreddit with at least 10,000 subscribers and specify a timeframe. The tool searches through the titles and comments to extract up to five hundred keywords with search volumes.

Because of the substantial number of responses in each subreddit, the relevance of the findings may vary. High relevance is a parameter that slows down the tool.

Keyworddit is not meant to be a replacement for other keyword research tools, but it may be a fun addition to your existing approach. Reddit is a popular site where people with specific interests take deep dives into a topic. It may discover keyword phrases and blog subjects that other search tools do not.



QuestionDB is a fantastic tool for producing blog topic ideas. It uses many question-and-answer websites, such as Reddit and Quora, to provide you with questions that people are asking about your keywords.

The tool’s free edition allows for limitless searches without the need to create an account. With a single click, you can download your results.

You can choose whether to show the source link for each question. This gives you the opportunity to look at more specifics about how people are framing their questions. You can also go over the answers again. In addition, related topics stated in the questions are displayed in QuestionDB.

You can only get fifty results per query with the free account.


For SEO analysis, freemium keyword research tools are available.

A number of premium-paying websites provide limited-use free features. For a restricted number of searches or fewer features, you get the same excellent service as the premium services. Nonetheless, these are useful free keyword research tools.

Ahrefs Keyword Generator

Ahrefs Keyword Generator is a free tool provided by Ahrefs, a well-known premium service. It will fetch the top one hundred keyword suggestions from its database of over eight billion keywords from over 170 nations if you enter any target term or phrase.

The Keyword Generator displays the following information for each keyword phrase:

  • The number of searches
  • The difficulty of keywords ranges from 1 to 100.
  • When was this result last updated?
  • a collection of associated questions to your search keyword

This keyword research tool can assist you in locating long-tail keywords, targeting less competitive phrases, and narrowing your search by location or search engine.

It allows you to get your results list and export your data. Aside from the Google Keyword Generator, Ahrefs also offers free Bing, YouTube, and Amazon tools.

While some freemium suppliers include SERP results in their keyword search tool, Ahrefs has a distinct website dedicated to their free SERP service.

The Ahrefs Keyword Generator is a useful and free tool that allows you to conduct infinite searches without having to create an account. It does not, however, allow you to download your results, unlike other tools. Because you do not make an account with the free service, you must additionally confirm that you are not a robot with each new search.

SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool

The Semrush Keyword Magic Tool is one of the numerous free tools provided by the SEO powerhouse Semrush. Create a new account and select Skip Trial to have access to their free tools. You may always upgrade to the premium service in the future if you choose.

The Keyword Magic Tool offers over twenty billion keywords from over 120 geographical datasets.

The following reports are available for free:

  • The number of searches per month
  • The density of competition (competition among paid advertisers)
  • Keyword difficulty (the difficulty of ranking in the top twenty results on Google)

There are also some useful sorting and organizing tools in the Keyword Magic Tool. It lets you arrange terms into topic-specific subgroups, uses smart filters to narrow or broaden your search, and exports your results rapidly. Related keywords can be found by topic, semantically related keywords, and keywords with similar wording.

The free account allows you to do ten searches per day across all Semrush’s related tools.

SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool


Ubersuggest’s free edition provides a wealth of information. When you enter a search query, the search volume, SEO difficulty, paid difficulty, and CPC are displayed.

The number of backlinks necessary to rank on Google’s first page for that keyword phrase is shown right underneath that display.

As you go down, you will discover lists of keyword suggestions and page content ideas.

The names of the related blogs are presented in the list of page content suggestions. Briefly, you can see how many people click on and share each piece of information. Most data reports may be saved and sorted by exporting them to CSV. Ubersuggest provides a free Chrome extension that displays data directly on the SERP.

You can only use the free version for a limited amount of time.


Moz Keyword Explorer

Moz Keyword Explorer is a visually appealing and well-organized keyword research tool. You might see monthly volume, organic difficulty, organic click-through rate (CTR), and a high priority score for every search term.

The organic click-through rate (CTR) shows how many individuals who search for the phrase click on one of the results. The priority score is a single value that combines the difficulty, opportunity, and volume to calculate how likely you are to rank for that search query.

For each term, Keyword Explorer provides an extensive list of keyword recommendations along with monthly search volume and relevancy.

The SERP analysis, which is also included with the free search results, shows you the top ten pages for your chosen phrase. You can check their title, URL, page authority, domain authority, number of page backlinks, and number of root domain backlinks. It is simple to export the results to a spreadsheet.

Moz is a fantastic service provider. The disadvantage is that the free account only allows you to run ten queries every month.

Moz Keyword Explorer

E-commerce, online retailers, and cross-channel marketers can use keyword research tools.

Most keyword tools are geared for Google and other search engines. Platforms such as YouTube, Amazon, eBay, and Etsy, on the other hand, have their own algorithms.

Tools like Keyword Tool Dominator and Soovle assist e-commerce companies and sellers target the platforms they are using, even if their goals go beyond ranking on Google and other search engines.


Soovle is ideal for e-commerce companies and multi-channel marketers. It can help you find popular keywords on Amazon, Wikipedia, YouTube, and eBay, among other megasites. Soovle is a keyword generator as well as a keyword research tool. When you enter your goal terms, it generates sentences to help you broaden your thoughts. Soovle provides you with free access to an infinite number of searches. On the negative side, it is limited to an idea generator and does not provide metrics such as keyword difficulty and search traffic.

Keyword Tool Dominator

Keyword Tool Dominator helps you identify search trends as they happen. It brings you the autocomplete databases from Google, YouTube, Amazon, Walmart, Bing, Etsy, and eBay to uncover up-to-date keywords and search terms.

It is an excellent resource for sellers and multichannel marketers who wish to rank on search engines other than Google and Bing.

The free plan of this fast and easy tool allows you to do two searches every day. For more queries, you will need to pay for a plan.

The use of keywords over time

Sometimes you want to determine whether a topic is a long-term trend or a passing fad. Google Trends is a great and unique tool in this scenario.

Google Trends

Google Trends is a free tool that provides graphs and data on specific Google and YouTube search phrases.

When you enter a search query on the homepage, it will automatically return a list from Google. You can adjust your selections on the results page to see results from YouTube instead. It also includes Google Shopping, Images, and News trends.

Google Trends is an excellent resource for:

  • determining what is currently popular
  • Isolating hot topics or subtopics within an industry or in relation to a theme
  • Finding out about local search trends
  • Identifying keywords that are becoming more popular.
  • Graphing the public’s interest in a subject through time
  • Identifying the most popular topics

Google Trends can help you understand which terms are gaining momentum and which are losing interest. It does not provide statistics on monthly search volume or the competitiveness of any keyword phrase.

Paid tools

paid keyword research tools

You do not have to limit yourself to free keyword research tools. You can always invest in paid tools if your business is prospering, or you want to branch out into a new direction. Payment or subscription-based tools can perform all that the free tools can do, but they may also:

  • Allow you to undertake more keyword research by providing additional keyword data
  • Include SEO tools that are specific to a specific place.
  • Have rank monitors so you can see how well your website ranks for specific keywords on SERP pages.
  • Increase the number of user-friendly interfaces
  • Have a one-stop-shop where you can do all your keyword research.

These tools may also provide extra insights into search engine marketing if you want to venture out into pay-per-click marketing. (Google Keyword Planner, a free tool for paid marketing, provides data on Google’s biddable keywords.)

Planning with Data

Each page you produce takes time, work, and expertise, whether you are advertising a blog or building an e-commerce website. When you use the greatest keyword research tools for your company, you can rest assured that your efforts will bear fruit.

keyword planning

It is not a smart idea to throw darts into the dark and hope they strike their target. These twelve free keyword research tools have all the information you need to make informed content planning decisions.

Your target audience is well-informed about their wants and needs. Do you think so?


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