traffic exchanges

Best Traffic Exchanges for Affiliate Marketing with Real Traffic: Examples and Differences

Traffic Exchanges

What traffic exchanges are the best for affiliate marketing with real traffic in lead generation by providing you with examples.

A traffic exchange is the web space where you and your affiliates try to get maximum exposure for your products or services by selling traffic from your website or from your affiliate’s websites.

However, most of these traffic exchanges are as good as worthless and just take your money or in the worst case, you have no visitors or sales.

There is so much fraud around them that we are not sure what is legitimate and what is not.

When your website is not ranked, you can buy visitors to your website with your visitor’s ID.

These ‘traffic broker’ type offers are typically sold in bulk for anywhere between $10-15 per 1000 and have been available since the late 90s when advertisers were at their height of spending.

traffic exchanges

This type of approach encourages affiliate marketers to use affiliate programs that don’t require the highest quality or the most transparency.

It makes traffic exchange operators rich, which is why these traffic exchanges are unregulated and have been accused of promoting fraud.

Because of this, it is vital for a potential affiliate or webmaster to see the traffic exchanges and product descriptions by themselves.

It is an ethical buyer’s market, but buyer beware and only try if you are okay with exchanging traffic for lead generation.

There are two types of Traffic exchanges:

#1 The people who sell traffic do not know your visitors personally. They sell them from their website/affiliate partners.

#2 The people who sell traffic know your visitors personally. They exchange the traffic between parties directly.

Lead generation traffic exchanges as well are free of charge. There is no commission, and the visitor may see your affiliate offering on his own search engine results page (SERP).

In this type of traffic exchange, the traffic broker gets the traffic, posts it, and sends it to you. It is an arrangement that both parties agree to.

The concept is to create competition for rankings in search engine results.

Depending on the type of traffic exchange, the traffic broker will either bid on the traffic on auction websites like:

Blue-Eared Network

The traffic broker then purchases the traffic and posts it on their website.

You can either sell traffic to him or share your visitors with him.

The purchaser is a publisher or media outlet looking to acquire qualified traffic.

These people get high-quality traffic or create some promotional campaign using the traffic and then make money with it.

In this type of traffic exchange, the user’s cookies are sent to the advertising server of the traffic broker who uses them to interact with the user when the user accesses his website.

traffic exchanges

It is different from a traditional user search engine optimization (SEO) campaign, where the user’s cookies are sent to the advertising server and the advertiser must interact with the user on their website.

Like affiliate advertising, it is usually cheaper to use traffic exchange than hire an advertising agency.

However, in both cases, a fraction of the traffic exchange’s price depends on the quality and is divided among several parties.

For the traffic buyer, an advertisement must be shown before the user is even able to see the website.

SEO agencies usually charge fees for the time spent doing research for their website, meaning that these firms are spending money to generate revenue.

For the advertiser, the price is measured by volume and volume of traffic.

For the search engine owner, the costs are based on how many keywords are converted.

For publishers, the real money lies in delivering higher-quality traffic with guaranteed rankings.

The volume of traffic required is also a common characteristic among traffic exchanges.

These people typically sell traffic for quantity and it does not cost much to them.

Other differences between traffic exchanges

Note that although there are numerous types of traffic exchanges, the structures and processes are generally similar.

However, there are a number of differences that can vary from one traffic exchange to another.


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